This page has been added to the Cambridge Aero website to offer suggested PDA Navigation installations within some of the more popular gliders. Some of these examples have been provided by pilots upon completion of the installation. If you would like to submit photos and an accompanying narrative you may send the photos as e-mail attachments (please keep the resolution below 100dpi), or you mail us either the prints or negatives, or you may send digital images on a PC formatted floppy disk.
Discus 2a

"To install the PDA Navigation in my new Discus 2a (W3), I was faced with the challenge of the narrow Discus 2a cockpit and instrument panel. Also, I did not want to give up on the eyeball vent at the lower right side of the panel that directs cooling air where it is needed instead of over my head. The new Cambridge mount offered the required mounting flexibility, and was much more adaptable to my situation than the original Cambridge suction cup and Velcro canopy mount.
After flying with the PDA Navigation mounted as shown, I am very pleased with the results. For cockpit entry and exit, the PDA Navigation swings up out of the way with the instrument panel. The position of the PDA Navigation is optimal for allowing a quick glance at the information displayed while maintaining out-of-the-cockpit focus and not obstructing forward or peripheral vision. I particularly like the approach to turnpoints phase of flight, as now a quick, almost peripheral glance gives me a visual picture of turnpoint range and bearing information and I am able to keep a much better out-of-the-cockpit focus than with the old GPS-NAV display.
I chose to mount the PDA Navigation on the right side of the cockpit because of the spoiler handle on the left, and to keep it out of harm's way with the canopy open. Inputting information into the PDA Navigation in rough air can be a challenge, but I found if I grasp the PDA Navigation mount with my thumb and second and third fingers, this stabilizes my hand and gives the required index finger accuracy to hit the spot!"
Tim Welles
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