Windows Based Flight Recorder Management Software

Click here for the Aero Explorer FAQ
Version 1.11 will provide all of the features listed below in reference to the GPS-NAV. V1.11 will not perform in the same manner with the 302. You will have to use the utility program that is shipped with the 302 for data management. You need to download the flights from the 302 using the utility program and then view them using the Aero Explorer. The next release of Aero Explorer will include full functionality with the 302.
Click here to download Aero Explorer V1.11 (4.5MB)
Click here to download the Manual in the Acrobat .pdf format
The new PC based Cambridge Aero Explorer flight recorder management software provides a simple user interface for viewing single and multiple flights. It will also facilitate easily downloading of flight logs, downloading and uploading waypoint files, as well as viewing single and multiple flights. It runs on PCs using Windows 95, 98, 2000, NT, ME, and XP. The screen is laid out in a manner similar to Microsoft Windows Explorer making it easy to drag and drop flight logs and other data.
The program will provide the following:
Upload tasks and turnpoint databases. |
Configure pilot and instrument information. |
Download flight logs. |
View single and multiple flight logs in vertical view and barograph trace view. |

click on image to see enlargement with explorer bar selected

click on image to see enlargement with full screen display
Windows Based Flight Log Download Program Available
The CAIutilinstall.exe file is a self extracting installation program. Click on it, and it will install the CAI utility program in the directory you specify on your system.
The CAI Utility program allows you to communicate with your GPS-NAV flight recorder. It runs under Windows 95, 98, 2000 and NT. The CAI Utility allows you to: transfer flight logs, transfer waypoints and tasks, configure your GPS-NAV (set the pilot name, units, control point radius etc.), and create and edit waypoint and task files. You may download this self extracting file by clicking here (file size is 1.7 MB). For instruction on how to download and install programs from our website click here.

New Release of the PC Software V5.884
Due to overwhelming requests we have released another version of the PC Software that contains the fix for the time calculation bug in V5.882. We have two options available. The first is a patch that can be applied to V5.882 (easier and recommended), or you can download and install the new version.
The patch is a revised file that needs to be copied into the C:\CAI folder (the file folder on your C:\ drive that contains all of the files that make up the PC Software). The file is a self extracting executable that should be downloaded to a temp folder. After downloading, using window explorer, open the folder and double click on the file titled caipatch.exe. The file will turn into a file titled readlog.exe. copy the readlog.exe file to the folder on your C:\ drive titled CAI. When you paste the new readlog.exe file your computer will ask you if you want to replace the existing file with the new one. Select "yes". This patch is not language dependent.
To download the patch click here.
To download V5.884, select the desired language versions and download into a temp folder. For detailed instructions click here.
English Language
French Language
German Language

Download Flight Logs
The following sites contain log files that can be viewed using the above software :
1998 Pre-Worlds "Bavaria-Glide" in Bayreuth Germany. Worldwide Soaring Turnpoint Exchange from John Leibacher.
More sites containing flight logs can be found on the Links page.

IGC Short Files
As requested by the IGC, Cambridge has made available for downloading three files for the conversion of .CAI files to .IGC format. These files are to be used for the GPS-NAV.
CONV-CAM This program translates flight log files from .CAI proprietary format to .IGC compatible format. |
DATA-CAM This is the Cambridge Aero Instruments data transfer program, which
transfers flight log data from a CAI flight recorder to a computer file. |
VALI-CAM This program verifies the security status of a CAI format log file. |
Click here to download. Save the self-extracting file in a temp folder. Go into the temp folder and double click the igcshort file. It will self-extract into five files. Three are the executables listed above and two text files with instructions.
A version of these files is available for the 302 and can be found at the bottom of the 302 page.
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